I'm planning to transcribe my Instagram talks regarding the Civil War that features in Oddny Einarsdottir, so if adult life allows me the time required, I'll post it here as soon as I'm done!
The Norwegian Government
Pre 895 AD and the establishment of the monarchy, Norwegian government operated on a republican model. The entire country was divided into small kingdoms which were ruled by a petty king, under whom were the earls and the chieftains of the varying districts within the kingdom. The district chieftains were responsible for appointing the nine-man jury that presided over council sessions and judgments and answered to the lawspeaker or judge, an upstanding citizen with all the laws of the land memorized by heart. At every level of government, the leader was answerable to the people, who had the right to depose and exile (their form of capital punishment) even the king if he broke the law or harmed any of his subjects. This was one element that even during the monarchy made Norse government unique. A good example of the people taking action against a ruler is seen in the uprising against Earl Hákon after he tried to steal one of his subject’s wives.
A Bit on Norway...
First things first. Before we start discussing Norse culture, we need to get our bearings in an ancient world. So, let's start with a bit of groundwork.
Norse civilization was divided roughly into two subcultures: Eastern, encompassing Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and the Ukraine (the latter two being so heavily mixed with local Slavic cultures that they were basically their own people). They spoke Eastern Norse. Then there was the Western side: Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and the British Isles. They spoke what is called Western Norse. Although the two dialects are mutually intelligible, there are some distinct differences in pronunciation and vocabulary. I, for example, learned to speak Western Norse, and that is the culture I know best. So, I will be chiefly discussing Norway and its colonies.
Now for our Mini Lesson.
During the early Middle Ages Norse civilization had as vast an impact and influence in Europe as had Greece or Rome. And no, the impact was not all raiding and devastation. In the 10th century Norway was quite a powerful nation in Europe, with a kingdom stretching from Western Sweden all the way to Greenland (and very nearly North America at one point). Because of their presence in the British Isles, namely the Orkneys, Hebrides, Yorkshire, Normandy, and by extension, Ireland-- the latter only by virtue of some rebel Viking fortresses set up as mini kingdoms. At any rate, this affiliation made Ireland the metropolitan trading center of Western Europe. Normandy was acquired under similar circumstances, and Yorkshire was granted as part of a cleverly orchestrated peace treaty. But it is important to realize that England regarded Norway as one of their most valuable allies, and hosted many upcoming Norwegian children at court. In fact, they viewed Norwegians as a very cultured people-- not barbarians.
So why is it we rarely hear a peep about Norway these days? Why is it always Sweden or Denmark? The answer lies farther back in history than you might expect. Firstly, Denmark was always the most populous and powerful kingdom in Scandinavia. Norway retained her status up until the Black Death reached her in 1349, wiping out about 2/3 of her people. While the survivors tried to rebuild their crushed world, it happened that Sweden and Denmark formed the Kalmar Union, into which Norway was admitted in 1397. This arrangement lasted some centuries, till Sweden left the Union in 1523, stranding Norway as a junior partner under Denmark. Thenceforward Norway would bounce between Swedish and Danish rule till 1905, when she regained full independence. Norway remained impoverished up until the twentieth century, when the people struck viable oil off the coast. Today, she boasts one of the highest living standards and the happiest people in the world. And yes, despite what you might think, Norway is actually a very important and active country in the political arena. She is one of the key members of the UN (which is in itself a Norwegian brainchild) and contributes a great deal of financial support to the organization. Having devoted herself to peacemaking efforts, Norway often plays referee during EU meetings between bickering countries, and she also runs many relief programs in war torn countries in the Middle East etc., especially for children. Furthermore, her military is a vital presence in NATO. As former US president Barack Obama once said: "Norway punches above her own weight".
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